Carsten Reimer wrote:
> Hi,
> Karen Tracey schrieb:
>> On Wed, Sep 30, 2009 at 1:49 PM, Gabriel Rossetti 
>> < <>> wrote:
>>      > Why can't it be pickled?
>>     Because it has a socket open
>>      > Clearly, since every request is independent,
>>      > if it really can't be pickled there is no way of passing it from one
>>      > to the next. Could you store the necessary values to recreate the
>>      > object?
>>      >
>>     That is what I currently doing, but the object creation is expensive
>>     which is why I was looking for another way. So I can't have some sort
>>     of global dict that would store my objects and the key could be stored
>>     in the session?
> does the socket really need to be kept open? If it is the only item that 
> prevents pickling the object consider using the __setstate__ and 
> __getstate__ methods (s. 
> and 
> for details).
> For example delete the socket from the object's __dict__ in the 
> __getstate__ method (called before the object is pickled) and place the 
> parameters for socket recreation in the object's __dict__ so that they 
> will get pickled. Return the object's __dict__ from this method.
> In __setstate__ (takes the unpickled __dict__ as parameter) get those 
> parameters for the socket from the unpickled object's __dict__, recreate 
> the socket and delete the parameters.
> Or is the socket creation the expensive action of this object. Then 
> please forget what I have writte because it will not help you.
> Otherwise here are examples of possible __getstate__/__setstate__ 
> methods for your case:
> def create_socket(self, socket_parameters):
>      """Creates the socket with the given parameters"""
> def __getstate__(self):
>      """Called when the object is pickled"""
>      self.socket_parameters = parameters_for_recreation
>      del self.socket
>      return self.__dict__
> def __setstate__(self, newstate):
>      """Called when the object is unpickled"""
>      self.__dict__ = newstate
>      self.socket = self.create_socket(self.socket_parameters)
>      del self.socket_parameters
> Hth
> with best regards
> Carsten
Hello Carston,

Thank you for your idea, unfortunately the socket creation is expensive 
because it also logs on to a server (thus there is a handshake, auth, 
etc). But I didn't know about __getstate__/__setstate__, thank you very 
much, it could be useful somewhere else.

Best regards,

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