
OS : windows
Python : 2.6.2

I have an issue with Textfield in django models.
The textfield are created as NCLOB in the Oracle 9i DB.
When I try to save a textfield from the django admin it works fine if
the limit of 1128 character is kept.
If I try to insert a bigger text the characters are scrambled and
appear in DB as '?????...' .

If we use Mysql it is fine.
I did a cx_Oracle script to try to insert by hand and it works fine.
A manual "insert" in the database works as well.
After the insert the first edition in the admin application show the
correct content but when I use "save" the text is corrupted.

I applied the unicode patch available in the django tickets, in case
it would be a problem.
I tested :
- http://www.djangosnippets.org/snippets/685/ too.
- http://www.mail-archive.com/django-upda...@googlegroups.com/msg42418.html
- I am aware of : http://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/ref/databases/
Textfield limitation.

Any ideas ?

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