On Wed, Sep 30, 2009 at 10:53 AM, dijxtra <nsko...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I'm getting "'NoneType' object has no attribute 'widget'" exception
> and I just can't figure out where is the problem. Here is my error:
> Django Version: 1.1
> Traceback:
> [snip]

In this form:

   1. class DiaryEntryForm(ModelForm):
   2.     importance = models.IntegerField(choices=IMPORTANCE_CHOICES)
   3.     class Meta:
   4.         model = DiaryEntry
   5.         fields = ['text', 'date', 'type', 'importance']

'importance' has been specified as a model field instead of a form field.
It needs to be a form field, since this is a form, not a model.


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