I think i tried a postsave signal a while back without luck, but I'll
give it another shot.  In order to know which users to add to or
remove from the members field I have to process the data in the save
method itself.  Can you show me how I could pass a list of users to
remove and add to the postsave signal?  Any more specifics you can
give would be appreciated.  Thanks!

On Sep 23, 7:00 pm, Brian McKeever <kee...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Try using a postsave signal. It'll automatically trigger your method
> upon saving a Project.
> http://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/topics/signals/#receiver-functions
> Basically, all you'd need is:
> from django.db.models.signals import post_save
> def member_check(sender, **kwargs):
>     #your code
> post_save.connect(member_check, sender = Project)
> But you should know that on some systems (like mine), it sends the
> signal twice per save.
> On Sep 23, 4:46 pm, M Godshall <michaelgodsh...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > I have a Project model with a ManyToManyField called "members" to keep
> > track of members of a project.  Whenever the model is updated, I need
> > to check if certain members need to be removed from or added to the
> > m2m field.  The most logical place to do this is in the model's custom
> > save method, but when I try to save the model in the admin the members
> > field reverts to its previous state even after running
> > self.members.remove(user1) and self.members.add(user2).  From what I
> > have researched and tested so far, if you save a project from a front-
> > end view, the m2m field updates without reverting to its previous
> > state, but I really need this functionality when a model is saved in
> > the admin as well.  Any insight into how to make this work would be
> > appreciated.  Here's what I'm working with right now:
> > class Project(models.Model):
> >         ....
> >         assigned_to = models.ForeignKey(User,
> > related_name="projects_assigned_to")
> >         sales_rep = models.ForeignKey(User,
> > related_name="sales_rep_projects")
> >         sales_mgr = models.ForeignKey(User,
> > related_name="sales_mgr_projects")
> >         ....
> >         def save(self, force_insert=False, force_update=False):
> >                 if Project.objects.filter(id__exact=self.id).count():
> >                         project = Project.objects.get(id=self.id)
> >                         old_sales_rep = project.sales_rep
> >                         old_sales_mgr = project.sales_mgr
> >                         super(Project, self).save()
> >                         if old_sales_rep != self.sales_rep:
> >                                 if old_sales_rep in self.members.all():
> >                                         self.members.remove(old_sales_rep)
> >                                 if self.sales_rep:
> >                                         self.members.add(self.sales_rep)
> >                                 if old_sales_rep == self.assigned_to:
> >                                         new_assigned = self.sales_rep
> >                         if old_sales_mgr != self.sales_mgr:
> >                                 if old_sales_mgr in self.members.all():
> >                                         self.members.remove(old_sales_mgr)
> >                                 if self.sales_mgr:
> >                                         self.members.add(self.sales_mgr)
> >                                 if old_sales_mgr == self.assigned_to:
> >                                         new_assigned = self.sales_mgr
> >                         if new_assigned:
> >                                 self.assigned_to = new_assigned
> >                                 super(Project, self).save()
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