I tried the above template_tag and it worked fine for me, maybe you're
doing something wrong in the template?

My best guess for why "__init__" would be called and not "render" is
that the template_tag is not getting rendered due to some other logic
in the template.  All of these examples below will cause __init__ to
be called, but not render for "my_template_tag":

1. Failed if statement:
{% if 0 %}{% my_template_tag %}{% endif %}

2. For loop on an empty list (or string):
{% for x in "" %}{% my_template_tag %}{% endfor %}

3. Block that gets replaced by a child template:
{% block test %}{% my_template_tag %}{% endblock %}
{% block test %}OVERWRITE TEST BLOCK!{% endblock %}

If that's not the case, then you'll need to provide more information—
how's it done in the template? what version of django? etc.

Separately, if you're resolving arguments to a template_tag, I'd
recommend using the template.Variable and .resolve(context) construct,
this will resolve plain text that you put in quotes and also variables
that are in the context:


On Sep 11, 10:30 am, eli <eliasz.wont...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I have problem when tag is called from for loop in template. It's
> called only once (sic!). Why?
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