On szept. 10, 06:51, Rodney Topor <r.to...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Suppose one wants to store additional information about a user in a
> separate profile class as described in the documentation.  When a user
> registers, the form displayed should show (all) fields from class User
> and (some) fields from class Profile.
> What is the best way to define this form?
> What is the best way to process the form data in a view to create the
> user instance and associated profile instance?
> I'm sorry if this is a naive question.  Neither the documentation nor
> The Django Book appear to answer it.  It seems to me to be a common
> situation.
> Rodney

another option is to use django-registration[1] and django-profiles[2]
then set the success_url after account activation to the user profile


create a user registration form, that saves profile data as well
django-registration might work with a formwizard as well, but I wasn't
thinking much about this

[1] bitbucket.org/ubernostrum/django-registration/
[2] bitbucket.org/ubernostrum/django-profiles/

cheers, V
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