Dj Gilcrease wrote:
> On Mon, Sep 7, 2009 at 9:55 AM, Samuel Hopkins <> 
> wrote:
>> Hello Django peeps,
>> I am a Django newbee. I have had my eye on Djanjo for a year or so now but
>> held off because I had limited python experience. However, after a summer of
>> python and watching Django's popularity snowball, I think I am ready to go
>> :)
>> Anyhow, the purpose of this email was just to ask the community what
>> editor(s) they preferred to use with Django.
> I used TextPad for years, with no syntax highlighting. I now use
> Wingware, and since I work primarily on OpenSource Projects the Pro
> version is free.

I use TextPad with Python highlighting. It suits me because I'm used to 
it. I use the 'Run' option to launch Python with my unit tests or 
anything else for a quick syntax check. The results come back nicely.

Speaking of results I also like TextPad's search results (with or 
without re) and grep-like 'Find in files' which is very fast and lets 
you double-click a found line to open the file at that point.

I tried PyDev and like that too but found Eclipse too heavy when 
associated with SVN. I know there is SVN integration but I couldn't get 
it going smoothly enough so I gave up and happily went back to TextPad.

I'm definitely going to try Joshua's suggestion of pdb.



> > 

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