Make yourself familiar with the django documention pageā€”if you know
where to look for stuff there, you'll find it to be a very handy

> 1: How can I go to next page when i submit the data in index page(log
> in page)

> 2: How can I link a page with a text. so that when I click on the text
> It will so the page I want.

This sounds like you're trying to just put a link on a page? of the
format <a href="_url_here_">Click this link</a>? The following will
show you the best way to generate the url for the "_url_here_" part:
You should really give this a read too, naming url patterns can be
very convenient:

Finally, you should really read the content provided under "First
Steps" on the doc page:
Especially the intro overview
and then the tutorials

> Can any one give some tips (which may face silly issues while create
> simple web application)
> Please help me to for gaining knowledge about django framework.
> many many thanks in advance for help!
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