On Mon, Sep 7, 2009 at 2:55 PM, Samuel Hopkins <hopkins.sam...@gmail.com>wrote:

> Hello Django peeps,
> I am a Django newbee. I have had my eye on Djanjo for a year or so now but
> held off because I had limited python experience. However, after a summer of
> python and watching Django's popularity snowball, I think I am ready to go
> :)
> Anyhow, the purpose of this email was just to ask the community what
> editor(s) they preferred to use with Django.

I have used and enjoyed the Python support NetBeans. It's almost complete
but if you like to have a visual debugger it works well. The only real nag
is that I had to kill the Python process that it started durring debug
because for some reason it didn't kill it automatically when the debug
session ended.

The other problem I had was that I'm doing the bulk of my development work
on a very old computer (PIII 350 w/ 256 megs ram, impressive huh? :o) ) so
Netbeans being a fairly new fangled piece of software didn't run very well.
Though I did actually struggle through it for about a month or so, which
says some good things about it's performance that I was even able to do

I then switched to just using Textpad with Python highlighting and pdb (
http://docs.python.org/library/pdb.html) for debugging. Once you get the
hang of pdb it's extremely powerful. It basically drops you right into the
code with a Python command line. If you don't yet have experience with the
Python command line I would highly recommend getting a feel for it. They use
it through out the Python tutorial in the docs (
http://docs.python.org/tutorial/index.html), so that would be a good place
to start if you haven't done that yet.

Just yesterday I downloaded Komodo Edit (
http://www.activestate.com/komodo_edit/) it's half way between a text editor
and an IDE like Netbeans. I only have a few days experience with it and I've
just been doing HTML and CSS work the last few days, so I'm not sure about
it's debugging capabilities. It does have code completion that works well.

That's my experience so far. I hope it helps.


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