I put a solituion for this in the form of where this is passed a user

class UserChoiceField(forms.ModelChoiceField):
    Returns a select field with user names formatted by last and first
    where available and ordered by last name.
    def label_from_instance(self, obj):
        if obj.last_name or obj.first_name:
            display = ", ".join((obj.last_name, obj.first_name))
            display = obj.username
        return display

On Sep 4, 2:26 pm, Streamweaver <streamwea...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I had a model that lists an owner with a FK relationship to the Users
> table.
> When using model form the dropdown for the owner field defaults to the
> username.
> I'd like to override that to use a users name as the choice portion of
> the dropdown sorted by users last name but I'm having trouble thinking
> through how to do this.
> Can anyone point me to an example of something like this?
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