On Tue, Sep 1, 2009 at 2:26 PM, Katja <katja.loff...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I have the following settings:
> EMAIL_HOST = "smtp.gmail.com"
> EMAIL_PORT = 465
> And the mailing part:
>  subject = "New data outputs are available"
>  recipients = ["m...@here.com"]
>  sender = "some...@else.com"
>  email = EmailMessage(subject,text,sender,recipients)
>  email.send()
> And whenever I try to send the mail, I get an error.  "10060 Operation
> timed out" on Windows machines, "110 Connection timed out" on a Linux
> machine ...
> Googling was not really successful.
> It worked fine with the send_mail function on two of our machines
> (Linux, Django 1.0.2 and Win Django 1.0), but not on a third (Win,
> Django 1.0.2 again).
> It also works with a different mailserver and EMAIL_USE_TLS = False.
> Any ideas?

I'm surprised by the report of port 465 working on some machines.  In my
experience only port 587 works with EMAIL_USE_TLS = True and Python's SMTP
library.  See:


I'm also surprised by the reports of a timeout message.  When I looked into
this before the one that didn't work hung indefinitely, as it essentially
resulted in a connection set up where each side waited forever for the other
side to start the conversation.


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