I just ran into the same issue this past weekend, same stack as you.
The apache error log was full of memcache related errors (see below
for examples), so I tried to switch to version 0.91 based on
recommendations I saw. But the errors didn't stop until I switched to
python-memcache. Now, it is working like a charm.

[fa...@1251675859.588123] mcm_fetch_cmd():1181: memcache(4) protocol
error: server sent data for key not in
[fa...@1251675859.588123] mcm_get_line():1547: memcache(4) protocol
error: no \r before
[fa...@1251675859.592124] mcm_get_line():1547: memcache(4) protocol
error: no \r before
[fa...@1251675859.592124] mcm_fetch_cmd():1159: memcache(4) protocol
error: protocol, expected a response


On Sep 1, 11:47 am, Ryan Mark <r...@bariserver.com> wrote:
> Hey Folks - I did load testing on my amazon ec2
> ubuntu+django+postgresql+memcached setup. I discovered that under
> load, cmemcache seems to fail on get cache requests. It causes django
> to make a bunch of set cache calls, even though the key exists in
> memcached. switching to python-memcache fixed this problem
> The django docs seem to recommend using cmemcache - even though it has
> not been updated in a long time. It is supposedly faster than the pure
> python library (it uses the c libmemcache). It looks to me like there
> are serious problems with it that would have caused a big headache had
> I not also been monitoring memcached while load testing.
> Anybody have anything to add to this?
> Ryan Mark
> --
> Ryan Markhttp://ryan-mark.com
> 847 691 8271

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