hello Django community,

I met this problem and can not find a solution. I wonder if any people
has met this problem before? Can anybody give a clue or hint how to
fix it?

For my project, I have enabled sessions and I use
contrib.auth.models.User. If one user logins into his/her account, all
is perfect. However, if another user logins (no matter if it is from
the same computer or from another computer), then the two users sees
each other's information in their own account.

I also found that

(1.) request.user.username gives another logined user's name instead
of this one (the correct one) even though I called

(2.)  request.session['username']  does not give the username that I
assigned it earlier.

(3.) Old session is still there even though a user log-out correctly,
closes the browser (IE) and then opens another browser (Firefox).

I have put "SESSION_EXPIRE_AT_BROWSER_CLOSE = True" in settings
already. In my code I have request.session.set_expiry(0).

Checking my session table, I can see that the "expire date" for
sessions are in two weeks. Does this mean that

Any suggestions?

Thanks so much.
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