On Aug 25, 6:19 am, Michael <newmani...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Mon, Aug 24, 2009 at 3:57 PM, Léon Dignòn <leon.dig...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Hello,
> > there are plenty of possible combinations out there. The suggested one
> > is apache and mod_wsgi, but in the docs is also mentioned, that
> > fastcgi could be faster if configured properly. Unfortunately it's not
> > mentioned, what properly means.
> > For a site with few users who upload images up to 5 MB and many users
> > who download them, what is a better configuration? The configuration
> > should use as few system resources as possible.
> > apache+mod_wsgi (or _python) or lighttpd+fastcgi? Or another?
> > -ld
> In my experience, start with the server you are most comfortable with. I
> would recommend Apache mod_wsgi because it is the best documented, and then
> when you actually have an issue with the server being too slow or media
> files taking too many resources from apache, look at another solution. No
> need in making things more difficult for yourself to start out with. You can
> also then fix a real problem instead of a perceived one, which will give you
> less variables to work with.
> In my experience, not many people, especially starting out like you are,
> will ever need anything faster than mod_wsgi and apache. Properly set up
> with caching and the works, a small slice from Slicehost could handle
> plently of traffic.
> The easiest thing you can do to make things faster is have one server for
> media files and another for Django. I use nginx which then proxies to
> apache. I like the set up, but it works for me. For 5 Mb uploads, my set up
> won't work, period.

Why wouldn't nginx in front of Apache/mod_wsgi work for 5MB uploads. I
would suggest that that is actually a better setup for uploads than
connecting direct to Apache/mod_wsgi. The reason is that nginx buffers
uploads before pushing it through to Apache/mod_wsgi. This means that
nginx isolates Apache/mod_wsgi from slow clients and ensures that
Apache/mod_wsgi is only involved when the complete uploaded file is
available, thereby ensuring that Apache/mod_wsgi is utilised the most
efficiently. The only issue with having nginx in front for this case
is that upload progress bars probably aren't going to work because of
the buffering that nginx does before pushing content through.

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