On Aug 24, 4:26 pm, BobZ <bobzav...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I'm having a similar problem actually.
> I'm trying to extend Photologue to offer front-end user upload
> capability with generic views and I haven't been able to successfully
> render a page yet.
> Each of the commented-out "upload_args" are variations I've tried to
> get something back and none of them have worked.
> urls.py
> #upload_args = {'model': Photo }
> #upload_args = {'model': Photo, 'template_name':'photologue/
> photo_upload.html' }
> #upload_args = {'form_class':UserPhotoUploadForm }
> #upload_args = {'form_class':UserPhotoUploadForm,
> 'template_name':'photologue/photo_upload.html' }
> upload_args = dict(form_class=UserPhotoUploadForm)
> urlpatterns += patterns('django.views.generic.create_update',
>     url(r'^photo/upload/$', 'create_object', upload_args ),
> )
> I continue to get this kind of cryptic error:
> Page not found (404)
> Request Method:         GET
> Request URL:    http://localhost/photologue/photo/upload/
> No <django.utils.functional.__proxy__ object at 0x89eecac> found
> matching the query
> Any help or guidance would be greatly appreciated!  :o)

Sounds like there's a problem with your form definition. Can you post
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