I missed a step - I did go ahead and chown it over to www-data, but I
needed to chmod x to u.

sudo chmod u+x uploads/

I thought 777 would be a little insecure, you really don't need to
give full permissions to group / others. I know it's probably not a
huge deal, but I figure it's best practices to keep permissions locked
to what they need to be. (i.e. drwx--r--r)

On Aug 23, 4:03 am, Ramdas S <ram...@gmail.com> wrote:
> chowning www-data will work. Make sure the directory has chown -R and chmod
> -R,
> suppose you are uploading to media/images
> chown -R www-data media/images
> chmod -R 777 media/images
> On Sun, Aug 23, 2009 at 11:17 AM, Anogar <ryanrag...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > I'm trying to implement a simple image upload inside my blog, and I
> > had it working on my local machine, but when I deployed it threw this
> > error:
> > OSError at /path/
> > (13, 'Permission denied')
> > ....
> > So, it's clearly a permissions issue - but I can't quite figure out
> > how to fix it. Just to confirm my idea I chmod'd the permissions to
> > 777 - and the whole thing suddenly works perfectly, but that's
> > obviously not a permanent solution.
> > I tried chown'ing the file over to www-data which is my Apache
> > process, but that didn't work either. Who should own my uploads
> > folder?
> > Thanks!
> > -Ryan
> --
> Ramdas S
> +91 9342 583 065
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