I did find a nice sidewide middleware login system which takes care of one 
aspect of my 'problem'. http://www.djangosnippets.org/snippets/1158/

Not completely to my taste, because it (me?) requires some css file in 
PUBLIC_URLS. Figured I'd start on the manual @login_required for now to get 
some handson experience first

I might *bump* this message again later.



Sam Lai wrote:
> 2009/8/21 Gerard <lijss...@gp-net.nl>:
>> Hi All,
>> I'm working on an invoice system, currently deployed the single user version
>>  in house. Next one is gonna be a full blown multi user setup. Having
>> fairly good knowledge of security, I was wondering what would be best
>> practice in Django for data separation. So user A only sees his customer
>> data and not the data from user B.
>> Some side notes:
>> - Since there's a good auth system in Django I would like to take full
>> advantage of that.
>> - User session info will be used so al app users see the same url. Thus not
>> http://example.com/userid/customers but http://example.com/customers
>> - Fixating security on record level, seems error prone, coding wise
>> - Fixating on database seems badly manageble in the long run, since there
>> will be a lot of users, but not an incredible amount of data per user.
> Interesting stuff; I'm interested in knowing what the best practices are too.
> One thing I'm considering doing is overriding the default manager in
> each model so that the current user is considered when making queries.
> This makes it harder for you to accidentally return all user's data in
> the view.
> Of course, you can still have the default manager in the model; just
> name it something else so you have to consciously use it.
> > 

self.url = www.gerardjp.com

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