I'm intrested in the answer too
On Aug 23, 1:36 am, "Chris H." <chris.hasenpf...@gmail.com> wrote:
> So I'm trying to get my head around making my small, tightly focused
> apps reusable. I've done this, but right now still have
> "dependencies" between one another, that I'd like to remove. For
> simplicity sake, I have an Articles, Events, and Photos app.
> Right now each Article has a photos.photo and events.event foreign key
> relationship and each event has a photos.photo_set fk relationship.
> Thus, as currently written all three apps are required. I'd like to
> rework this such that the installation of each application is not
> required, and I'd think that additional functionality should live in
> the newer app.
> That is, when Photos gets "installed" it looks for Articles, if that
> is installed it hooks into the Photos model to supply the photo
> relationship. And if Events is installed, it'll provide the photoset
> relationship. If neither is installed, that's okay too, it just
> provides it's base functionality. When Events gets installed, it
> looks for Articles, and if so allows you to relate an article to an
> event.
> Surely, this has done before, right? Or am I approaching it wrong?
> My google foo fails me...what do I need to be searching for??
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