2009/8/21 Russell Keith-Magee <freakboy3...@gmail.com>

> On Fri, Aug 21, 2009 at 12:17 AM, Kelvan<kelvan.mailingl...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> >
> > I've a big problem with user authentification, my application get an
> > username and a hashkey to verify if the user is logged in. I wrote a
> > function that check this, it worked fine to log in the user with:
> >
> > user.backend = 'django.contrib.auth.backends.ModelBackend'
> > login( request, user )
> >
> > Login works, clicking around works, but doing nothing a few seconds
> > and than click on a menu entry logs me out and redirects to the login
> > screen.
> >
> > debug_toolbar shows me this sql queries (all made by
> > request.user.is_authenticated):
> >
> >        SELECT `django_session`.`session_key`,
> > `django_session`.`session_data`, `django_session`.`expire_date` FROM
> > `django_session` WHERE (`django_session`.`session_key` =
> > 000000008373a54580503b02238a3f45 AND `django_session`.`expire_date` >
> > 2009-08-20 17:59:44 )
> >
> >        SELECT `django_session`.`session_key`,
> > `django_session`.`session_data`, `django_session`.`expire_date` FROM
> > `django_session` WHERE `django_session`.`session_key` =
> > 00000000a2aabd791f8e593d9dbf7e21
> >
> >
> >        INSERT INTO `django_session` (`session_key`, `session_data`,
> > `expire_date`) VALUES (00000000a2aabd791f8e593d9dbf7e21,
> > gAJ9cQEuMDAwMDAwMDA0OGU1MTExNWYxNzY3YjcyZjc2MmFkZGI= , 2009-08-20
> > 18:59:45)
> >
> > I check the database and the first session expire_date is in the
> > future, so the session is active, but why did Django flushes the old
> > session and creating a new one?
> I've seen this in the past, with a couple of different causes:
>  - Safari and Firefox both have a "private browsing" setting that can
> cause this behavior.
>  - You can also have this problem if you are having DNS or other
> related name resolution errors (for example if your DNS entry is
> propagating, or you're on dynamic DNS, or you're playing reverse DNS
> tricks behind a proxy).
>  - If you are running two sites with the same site secret, the two
> sites can tread on each other.
> I don't know if these are causing your problems in particular, but
> hopefully it gives you some ideas. Worst case, crack open the debugger
> and look at the sessions backend to see what code branch is causing
> the session to expire.
> Yours,
> Russ Magee %-)
> >
private browsing is deactivated, there isn't a second page with same secret.

But I have reverse DNS problems, REMOTE_HOST is always None (there is no
lookup, apache reverse lookup is on and working).

I tested this with Opera and I'm even not able to login. With FF this works
most of the time.
Also if I login with normal auth and login it kicks me out.
With Opera it's extrem freaky, when I click on my home menu entry session
doesn't changed. with a click on another menu it changes every click.

I planned to replace a old PHP app with a modern django app, but if I
already have problems with login I doubt this plan. :(

I'm going to test this without apache now.

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