I had a similar problem after updating the django version.  I had custom
admin templates based on the previous version.  Copying the latest
versions accross fixed it for me.


On Tue, 2009-08-18 at 07:18 -0700, Joakim Hove wrote:
> Hello,
> I am slowly building up a site with django - it feels very good.
> About two months ago I tried the admin interface; with nearly zero
> effort (basically uncomment a couple of lines from the default files)
> I got a very nice and functional interface up and running - great!
> Now I have done some changes, and can not get the interface to work
> any longer. What I have done is:
>   1. I have moved to the production server, and django is invoked with
> apache & mod_wsgi (previously used the dev server).
>   2. I have upgraded django to the latest svn release (I had latest
> svn in june as well).
>   3. I have not installed any admin.py files.
> When I now go to the admin url I can log in with the django super user
> account, but:
>   1. The interface is damn basic - maybe some stylesheets / templates
> are missing?
>   2. The interface does not seem to contain any information about my
> site anymore.
> Any tips?
> Joakim
> > 

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