On Aug 17, 2009, at 9:33 AM, Mike Dewhirst wrote:

> There's something here I'm not seeing. If anyone can point out the  
> docco
> which refers I would be most grateful ... I'm using py2.6 and Django
> from svn head.
> The template below displays the title correctly but claims "No meta
> dictionary passed". Since the title is one of the meta_dict key:value
> pairs I feel this should not be. Also, when I uncomment the #print  
> line
> below, the entire meta_dict, including 'title': 'META items' prints.
> Thanks for any pointers ...
> Mike
> ---- views.py (excerpt) -------
> def display_meta(request):
>     dct = {'title':'META items',}
>     meta_dict = dict(request.META.items())
>     meta_dict.update(dct)
>     #print(meta_dict)
>     return render_to_response('polls/meta_dict.html', meta_dict)

Variables should be passed to the template as a dictionary, so this  
response line should look like this:

return render_to_response('polls/meta_dict.html', {'meta_dict':  

Then it will be available in your template. My guess is that, since  
meta_dict is itself a dictionary, you can currently access its  
contents in your template by directly using its keys as variables.

Hope that works,

> --------------------------------
> ---- meta_dict.html ------------
> {% extends "base_polls.html" %}
> {% block content_title %}<h1>{{ title }}</h1>{% endblock %}
> {% block content %}
> {% if meta_dict %}
>     <table>
>     {% for key, value in meta_dict.items %}
>         <tr><td> {{ key }} </td><td>{{ value }}</td></tr>
>     {% endfor %}
>     </table>
> {% else %}
>     <p>No meta dictionary passed</p>
> {% endif %}
> {% endblock %}
> ---------------------------------
> >

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