Off the top of my head a couple of ideas come to mind.  A quick and dirty
way would be to have a separate Django project that only handles the admin
app.  Another way would be to make a custom model manager that would select
the database to use.  This way is a little more involved but not impossible.

On Sun, Aug 16, 2009 at 4:44 AM, Haes <> wrote:

> Hi,
> we are using master / slave database replication, no partitioning,
> just replicating the complete database to several slaves for
> performance reasons. This is making some problems with a newly
> developed Django project, which makes use of an existing database.
> Is there an (easy) way to use a different database for the admin
> application (master db) than for the remaining apps (slave db)?
> If I'd need more fine grained control about what database connection
> I'd like to use in a view, would I need to write a custom db backend
> for that? Or is there a way to set up two database connections and
> switch them manually (django.db.connection = <slave>)?
> Thanks for any hints.
> Cheers.
> >

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