On Thu, Aug 13, 2009 at 2:51 PM, Jonas Obrist<ojiido...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi django-users
> I try to do as much as I can in ORM without python looping etc. So I
> wonder if the following code could be done in one update:
> for parent in thread.forum.allparents.all():
>    parent.postcount += 1
>    parent.lastpost = post
>    parent.save()
> Basically do something like:
> thread.forums.allparents.update(postcount += 1, lastpost=post)
> I'm well aware that += is completely wrong there, it's just to
> illustrate my idea.
> Jonas
> >

If you're using django 1.1 you can use the new F() objects so it'd look like:

thread.forums.allparents.update(postcount = F('postcount')+1, lastpost=post)


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