On Thu, Aug 13, 2009 at 5:35 PM, Jonas Obrist<ojiido...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Torsten Bronger wrote:
>> Hallöchen!
>> Jonas Obrist writes:
>>> Is anyone using psyco in django? Does it work and is it useful (as
>>> in: do you get great speed improvements)?
>> I've once seen a benchmark indicating considerable improvements of
>> Django performance with psyco, but only on 32 bit systems.  On 64
>> bit, psyco was a slight drawback.
>> Tschö,
>> Torsten.
> As far as I knew psyco is 32bit only anyway...
> Also: does anyone know if I have to put 'import psyco; psyco.full()'
> into every file or if there's a central place where I can enable it for
> the whole django and my whole app? I'm on a 32bit system and have
> performance issues...

Are you using WSGI? runner.wsgi (or whatever your wsgi script is
named) might be a good point to put the psyco import. I'm not sure if
it works as expected though.

I'm asking myself a bit whether it is really the python code which is
running too slow on your system. Have you profiled your website /
webapplication? Maybe the reason for the slowness lies elsewhere? F.e.
complicated Javascript code, too many DB queries or something else?


FeinCMS Django CMS building toolkit: http://spinlock.ch/pub/feincms/

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