Oops, sorry... it's version 1.1 final.

I'll try to create the Media subclass with the media, then, although
it's not specified in the django-tinymce use documentation.

About dpaste, I'm confused, because in another post I pasted exception
content and someone advised me to use dpaste to make the thread more
readable. Are you really sure this is a recommendation for this list?

Thanks, Kenneth,


On Aug 12, 2:45 am, Kenneth Gonsalves <law...@thenilgiris.com> wrote:
> On Wednesday 12 Aug 2009 11:08:55 am diogobaeder wrote:
> > I configured django-tinymce extension to work with a model field; It
> > loads all the JavaScript correctly, right after the field, in a script
> > tag, passing the right element ID, but the editor simply doesn't show,
> > only the original textarea is present. Here is a piece of my project
> > where TinyMCE configuration should be entered:
> >http://dpaste.com/hold/78621/
> > Anything wrong in here?
> you have not specified which django version you are using. If it is trunk, I 
> am
> under the impression that you need a Media subclass to your model.Admin class
> in admin.py to hold the tiny_mce settings. In older versions of django this
> was in the Admin subclass. btw, in a mailing list it is not advisable to paste
> in dpaste as that will vanish and b0rk the archives.
> --
> regards
> kghttp://lawgon.livejournal.com
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