Hey all,

I am very new to Django and am having a bit of trouble with something
and I'm hoping I can get some help from you all.

I was just wondering how do I share say a list or dictionary between

What I have at the moment is.............

from django.shortcuts import render_to_response
from django.http import HttpResponse

myList = ["http://localhost:1";, "http://localhost:2";]

def index(request):
        head = "<html><head><title>Viewer</title></head>"

        thelist = ""

        for i in myList:
                thelist = ('%s <li> <a href=%s>Test<a> </li>') % (thelist, i)

        body ="<body><ul>%s</ul></body>" % thelist
        tail = "</html>"
        print thelist
        html = head,body,tail

        return HttpResponse(html)

def update(request):

        query = request.GET.get('t', '')
        print query
        html ="<html><head><title>Upload</title></head><body>Upload OK %s</
body</html" % query

        return HttpResponse(html)

In my update the "query" variable is added to the list myList, but a u
is appended which seams to be the url of the app, is there a way to
remove this u, or is there a better way to share data like a dict or
list between views?

Thanks in advance

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