On Tue, 2009-08-04 at 22:23 +0800, Russell Keith-Magee wrote:
> On Mon, Aug 3, 2009 at 3:46 AM, David Haas<david.h.h...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >
> > It looks like the change happened between rev. 10189 & 10190: 10189
> > displays the value, 10190 doesn't.
> >
> > Unfortunately, I don't think I can give you a completely unbiased
> > answer as to what behavior I think
> > is more correct, because of history and personal use :)
> >
> > With that out on the table, though, it seems to me that if you are
> > using a model form, and you're initializing
> > it with a model instance, and that model instance has a current value
> > for a field on your form, the form
> > ought to get initialized with that value, regardless of whether or not
> > you plan on eventually saving the
> > field in the database or not.  If you're going to display it, it ought
> > to reflect what's currently in the database.
> > I think I've read some stuff about eventually making 'read only'
> > forms, or marking fields on a form as 'read only', which seems like it
> > could tie into this somehow, eventually, maybe.
> >
> > If you agree with that, though, then currently both ModelForms &
> > ModelFormsets initialization is broken, because
> > neither fills in the values.
> Thanks for taking the time to do the analysis and explanation. I've
> now had a closer look at this - unfortunately, I'm inclined to say the
> exact opposite. I think ModelForm is doing the right thing.
> My reasoning stems from the fact that we are dealing with a ModelForm,
> not just a Form, and the 'Meta' definition is the highest source of
> authority.
> DataParentForm defines a Meta relationship with the DataParent model,
> and explicitly defines that only the 'name' field is to be exposed.
> DataChildForm inherits from DataParentForm, and while it overrides the
> model relationship, it doesn't override the fields definition - so at
> this point, we have a ModelForm on DataChild that only exposes the
> 'name' field.
> Then, you have added a 'value' field to the model. While this does
> share the name of a field on the model, this is a coincidence - you
> have explicitly stated that you don't want the 'value' field from the
> model to be involved on the form. The 'value' FloatField could be
> called anything else without error - by virtue of the inherited Meta
> definition, it bears no relationship to the underlying model.
> If, on DataChildForm, you add a fields definition:
>     fields = ['name','value']
> the explicitly defined FloatField becomes an override of the default
> form element rather than a standalone form element, and as a result
> the initial data is populated.
> The behaviour for ModelFormSet is then consistent with that seen in
> the ModelForm.
> So - to my mind, the v1.1 behaviour of ModelForm is doing the right
> thing. I agree that this is a nasty edge case though, and I'd be
> interested to hear if anyone has any differing opinions or reasoning.

For what it's worth, I agree with Russell's analysis here. If you're
inheriting from a parent class, you are saying your subclass "is-a"
instance of the parent and you can't put back things from the model the
parent has already excluded. That isn't "is-a", it's


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