Going a step backward, why cant you make username same as email. Have
a custom login_required decorator that uses email and password to
authenticate, override registeration pages and not show username

It seems to work for me.

On Aug 2, 4:38 pm, Dana <woodman.d...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello All,
> I am looking to create a user model that extends the Auth "User"
> model, like how James Bennett outlines in his article "Extending the
> User Model" [1] by creating a FK to the "User" model and everything is
> going fine other than one issue.
> I would like to make "email" become the unique field and not need
> "username" when creating user accounts. Now, I don't mind using
> username for the Django admin, but for my own user section on the
> front end I want people creating accounts/logging in using an email. I
> am wondering if there is any clear way of doing this without having to
> roll my own auth app?
> I played with the idea of having my "save()" function create a random
> username when saving but that is obviously an ugly solution. Is there
> an easier way to do this that I am overlooking?
> Thanks for all your time!
> Dana W
> [1]http://www.b-list.org/weblog/2006/jun/06/django-tips-extending-user-m...
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