On Wed, Jul 29, 2009 at 6:23 PM, Asinox<asi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi guys, first im so sorry with my english, im new with Django, u
> know ;)
> I have a problem with a related_name, the tables are fine, but the
> problem is that in the Select (DropDown) the data display is "bad", in
> this way: Tarifas_object:
> Html code:
> Tarifas object
> how ill display the correct data?
> my model:
> [lots of ugly code snipped]

Firstly, the fact that English isn't your native language (it isn't mine
either) doesn't mean it is fine to use thinks like "u" instead of you,
it's basically a matter of respect for the people that will read your

Second, you don't need to paste your entire models, trim them
to the field that are relevant to question you are asking, there
is no point in subjecting the reader (potentially wanting
to help you) to wade through  many irrelevant lines of code, Also,
the code you pasted seems to have very bad indentation, I don't
know if that's an artifact from your copy/paste operation or
real problems.

One of these formatting/indentation errors could explain
the problem you describe:

> def __inicode__(self):
>    return self.precio

This isn' t correctly indented to be considered a method of your
Tarifas model, it is being interpreted as a module level
function.  Obviously, the name is wrong too, it should be


Ramiro Morales

PyCon 2009 Argentina - Vie 4 y Sab 5 Septiembre
Buenos Aires, Argentina

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