Answering myself.

I knew it was something pathetic and I found it:

This is what I was doing wrong
        (r'^weblog/'$, include('coltrane.urls.entries')),

This is what I should have been doing right
        (r'^weblog/', include('coltrane.urls.entries')),

The dollar sign cuts of anything that I was including in the "entries"  

Hope that may help some other bast....d like me.


On 17 Jul 2009, at 11:13, grant neale wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm going through James Bennet's Practical Django projects.
> When I de-couple the urls to "urls folder" + "url category"  I
> get_absolute_url doesn't work.
> If I put the urls back into the main file get_absolute_urls
> works again.
> I must be missing something very basic, but I'm pretty much stuck.
> Thoughts............ ?
> Grant
> >

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