Examples and code can be found at http://code.google.com/p/django-nav/

Create a extensible, non intrusive, fast system for generation
navigation groupings.

While there are several systems already out there for crating
navigation menus, tabs, etc, they all (That I have found) fail at one
or more of my goals.

I want to create a system that any django app can use so that it's
default navigation appears or disappears in an existing site based
only on having the application in INSTALLED_APPS or not.

To meet the goal of non intrusive, and auto adding/removing the
navigation groupings I looked to djangos own admin autodiscover
feature and implemented a similar system that looks though all of your
sites INSTALLED_APPS to see if they have a nav.py file, if they do it
processes it.

... Further implementation details on the site

Over the weekend I plan on adding example nav.py files for many common
applications to help new users and future developers get a jump start
on their own sites and apps

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