Hi Joshua,

whenever I override some of the Form methods, I make sure I have tests
that cover the code I wrote. In particular, when I override the save()
method on a ModelForm, I make sure that
  - the Model save() gets called from the Form save() if the form is
  - my Form save() returns the object (a classic oversight for me).

I also try to make sure required fields are indeed required, and that
validation does validate/fail as expected.

I also like having good unit tests for my forms because then my view
unit tests can stop at the form level. What I mean is that if a view
uses a form, I can just test that
the correct type of form is instantiated and passed into the template
context, and that if I feed valid data to the view, the form save() is
called. This checks that the view makes correct use of the form, and I
trust the form to behave, because it has its own tests.


On Jul 17, 3:57 am, Russell Keith-Magee <freakboy3...@gmail.com>
> On Fri, Jul 17, 2009 at 9:56 AM, Joshua Partogi<joshua.part...@gmail.com> 
> wrote:
> > Hi Russ,
> > To expand this question. Do we use unittest for testing forms? Because from
> > what I see in the code, doctest only tests your model. CMIIW.
> I shall. I don't know where you got that idea. :-)
> doctests are just a way of expressing tests. It has no inherent
> strengths, weaknesses or ties to model testing. It's just a way of
> testing based on a mock shell - i.e., "If I run X at the python
> prompt, I expect to see Y". You can do this with models, with forms,
> or anything else that can be invoked as a Python command.
> You can also use unittest to do exactly the same thing. The assertion
> facilities for unit tests are a little easier to use (since it isn't
> just based on string checking), but fundamentally, a unittest is just
> a way to bundle a series of commands whose output can then be asserted
> for validity.
> Django's TestCase provides a few extra helpful bits for web app
> testing - such as a built in test client, fixture loading, etc - but
> that's only because it's easier to subclass unittest.TestCase than it
> is to subclass the doctest framework.
> In short, use whatever you find convenient. Both doctest and unittest
> are valid and useful testing frameworks. In my experience, doctests
> are usually easier to write initially, but unittests prove more useful
> in the long term - but that's entirely subjective. YMMV.
> Yours
> Russ Magee %-)
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