I am trying to figure out the best way to have an inline formset with
a many to many relationship.  Right now I am the relationship is
through a intermediate model as shown here in the docs

It works but I am not sure the best way to do a formset for this.
Right now I am using the modelformset_factory and looping through the
results and doing a save on the intermediary model, but then it does
not update it only inserts, so I need to manually check and then add
the ID to the model instance and do a save.

This is my ugly way of doing it but it just seems wrong.  Thanks.

def m2m_form(request,object_id=None):
    model = get_object_or_404(Model, pk=object_id)
    IntModelFormSet = modelformset_factory
    if request.method == "POST":
        form = ModelForm(request.POST, instance=model)
        formset = IntModelFormSet
        if form.is_valid() and formset.is_valid():
            instance = form.save()
            for f in formset.ordered_forms:
                om_instance = OtherModel.objects.get
                exists = InterModel.objects.filter
                if exists is None:
                    inter_instance = InterModel(model=model,
othermodel=om_instance, extra=f.cleaned_data['extra'])
                    inter_instance = InterModel(id=exists[0].id, model
= model, othermodel=om_instance, extra=t.cleaned_data['extra'])
            return HttpResponseRedirect('/')
        form = ModelForm(instance=model)
        formset = InterModelFormSet(queryset=OtherModel.objects.filter
    return render_to_response('form.html',
{'form':form,'formset':formset}, context_instance=RequestContext

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