On Jul 16, 1:35 pm, Javier Guerra <jav...@guerrag.com> wrote:
> On Thu, Jul 16, 2009 at 9:27 AM, Joshua Russo<josh.r.ru...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > What are some examples of mutating operations (and other operations
> > for that matter) that you use in your models?
> the most obvious are:
> - 'calculated' fields.  the first example is the __unicode__() method,
> but lots others, like multiplying widht/height fields to get an 'area'
> field, (en/de)coding JSON data in one field to/from a python object,
> fetching a filesize from the filesystem,  things like that.
> - 'pre-made filters'. like alex's example
> - overriding the save() method, to add some consistency checks, update
> other tables (like maintaining denormalized fields), override one
> field with another, etc.
> - other kinds of objects that could present a nicer API than just a
> bunch of DB records and tables, for example a tag soup, even if it's
> an extra table, it's presented as extra fields and operations on the
> 'tagged' model.
> - anything that Java developers could call the 'business layer', or
> anything that a DB manager would like to put into an stored procedure
> (unless you're able to actually do that!)
> a worthwhile goal is to make view functions really really thin.  maybe
> just a few lines before calling the template or a generic view.
> if your model layer presents an API that is close to the concepts the
> user manages, but at the same time isn't tied to the specific web
> interface, you'll be able to easily rework the whole appearance of
> your website, quite possibly even change the whole user experience
> without rewriting the 'operational' code.
> --
> Javier

Great suggestions. Thanks for helping me clear that up.
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