Hi, i am using email as username. Both username and email fields in
User model always have the same value which is an email.

>From previous posts and code snippets, i got logins authentication and
other stuff working. However, i just can't seem to get the admin page
to create/modify user's whose username is an email. UserChangeForm &
UserCreationForm tell me "This value must contain only letters,
numbers and underscores.".

To overcome this issue, i wrote the following code

class OurUserChangeForm(UserChangeForm):
    username = forms.EmailField

class OurUserCreationForm(UserCreationForm):
    username = forms.EmailField

class OurUserAdmin(UserAdmin):
    form = OurUserChangeForm
    add_form = OurUserCreationForm

and i register with
admin.site.register(User, OurUserAdmin)

but it is not working. Any help/pointers appreciated
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