1.Simply extend the User model by using UserProfile Technique
   More details :

2.You can also customize your authentication needs
  More details :


On Jul 16, 12:50 am, "Andrew D. Ball" <ab...@americanri.com> wrote:
> Good afternoon.
> Here's the username field from the latest Django trunk's 
> django.contrib.auth.models module:
> username = models.CharField(_('username'), max_length=30, unique=True, 
> help_text=_("Required. 30 characters or fewer.     Alphanumeric characters 
> only (letters, digits and underscores)."))
> Why is the format of the username so restrictive?  The company I work for
> has clients with usernames that contain spaces, email addresses, possibly even
> non-ASCII characters.  I would love to use the standard User model, but I 
> can't
> dictacte the format of the usernames of our clients' own systems.
> Is there any way to work around this?  We have already implemented our own
> user model, but I would like to use the standard Django one to make 
> integration
> with apps like Satchmo more feasible.
> Peace,
> Andrew
> --
> ===================================
> Andrew D. Ball
> ab...@americanri.com
> Software Engineer
> American Research Institute, Inc.http://www.americanri.com/
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