2009/7/14 The Danny Bos <danny...@gmail.com>:
> Hey there, this may not be appropriate, but I'm building in Django so
> here goes ...
> I'm creating an Interviews app/table in my Django 'Books' (test)
> project. Just wrapping my head around it before I start on my music
> based website ... Anyway,
> For my 'Interview' table, how would I assign an interview to an
> 'Author' or an 'Illustrator', as they both have separate tables
> themselves. Know what I mean? Seems crazy to choose either the Author
> from the list OR the Illustrator, how would I assign an Interview to
> either?
> Here's the layout for 'Interview':
> class Interview(models.Model):
>        body = models.TextField()
>        publication_date = models.DateField(auto_now=True)
>        author = models.ForeignKey('books.Author')
>        illustrator = models.ForeignKey('books.Illustrator')
>        class Meta:
>                ordering = ['publication_date']

One option would be to use a generic relation:



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