On Mon, Jul 13, 2009 at 2:48 PM, Mihail Lukin

> Hello, everyone!
> django.forms allows me to define form class from model and render
> forms to html with just calling as_table method. Is there some module
> to do same thing with querysets? I guess its usage could look like
> this:
> class UserTable (tables.ModelTable):
>    class Meta:
>        model = User
>        fields = ['first_name', 'last_name', 'email']
> users = User.objects.all()
> table = UserTable(queryset=users)
> print table.thead
> '<th>First name</th><th>Last name</th><th>Email</th>'
> print table.tbody
> '<tr><td>John</td><td>Doe</td><td>uzohguk...@gmail.com</td></tr>
> <tr><td>Sarah</td><td>Connor</td><td>quoo9hu...@gmail.com</td></tr>'
> Thanks!
> >
There's a library named django-tables that does what you describe, it's on
launchpad I think.  I also have a module named django-filter that does the
filtering aspect of this (similar to the list_filter aspect of the admin),
but has no default rendering.


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