On Wed, Jul 8, 2009 at 12:27 PM, Adam Olsen <arol...@gmail.com> wrote:

> class ValidParameter(models.Model):
>    # .. fields
> class ValidRequest(models.Model):
>    # ... fields
>    optional = models.ManyToManyField(ValidParameter, null=True,
>        blank=True)
> -----------------------------------------
> Given the above models, I'd like to be able to do something like this:
> from django.core.cache import cache
> import pickle
> request = models.ValidRequest.objects.select_related().get(pk=1)
> cache.set("woot", pickle.dumps(request))
> request = cache.get("woot")
> # and have this not hit the database:
> [x for x in request.optional.all()]
> Is there a way to do this easily, or should I just cache the parameters
> manually?
> --
> Adam Olsen
> SendOutCards.com
> http://www.vimtips.org
> http://last.fm/user/synic
> >
ManyToMany relations aren't stored locally the same way a ForeignKey is,
since we use teh QuerySet API to access it.  The easiest way to work around
this is to just setup a property/method on the Model class that pulls in the
queryset and caches it on the
model and always use that instead of teh default manager, that way when you
cache the obj if it has a local cache it will be stored.

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