static content puts an overhead on the apache server. nginx would be
good to handle the static content of your sites.

On Wed, Jul 8, 2009 at 12:56 AM, Graham
Dumpleton<> wrote:
> On Jul 8, 4:16 am, Ramdas S <> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> We have a web server where we are hosting around 12-15 django web sites most
>> of them attracting modest traffic, except a couple which sees spiikes on and
>> off. Together we estimate just about 20,000-40,000 page views.
>> However we are expecting major spikes in traffic in the coming days and are
>> moving to a 8 GB RAM quad core server.
>> We are also trying to optimize the django apps.
>> Presently we have memcached mod-python instances running. The database
>> server is also running on the same server.
>> What all should we do to ensure that such a server can handle huge volumes
>> of traffic?
> Don't use mod_python for a start. See:
> Same issue can occur with mod_wsgi embedded mode, so use of mod_wsgi
> daemon mode is best to avoid the problem.
>> We are presently optimizing every site with whatever we can according to
>> what Yahoo! recommends for improving site performance. But that's only at
>> the client side.
>> I am told that mod wsgi is more efficient than mod-python. How efficient? Do
>> your recommend moving all sites to modwsgi?
> Use of daemon mode certainly gives more predictable performance and
> memory usage. Although memory usage and performance with mod_wsgi is a
> bit better, in the context of a large fat Python web application using
> a database, you wouldn't normally see any significant difference to
> other similarly configured WSGI hosting mechanisms. This is because
> all the overhead and bottlenecks are going to be in your application
> and the database, not the server level.
>> What about nginx? Is it worth exploring Nginx as alternative to Apache?
> Using nginx as a front end proxy in front of Apache/mod_wsgi in order
> to handle static media,  deal with slow clients and avoid keep alive
> resource issues in Apache is certainly a good idea.
> Using fastcgi with nginx is reasonable but may just make management
> harder as likely need a separate supervisor system to keep all the
> Django fastcgi processes running, something which Apache/mod_wsgi
> gives you for free.
> The mod_wsgi module for nginx should possibly be avoided as it has
> potential issues with blocking because of standard WSGI not being
> suited for hosting on top of an event driven system. See:
>> Is there anything else we need to look at?
> Caching, caching and caching. Even if you are doing a measure of
> caching, look at what other caching you can do. This also need not be
> caching within the application, but could be front end caching
> proxies.
> As an example, for a lot of sites the bulk of traffic will be to the
> front page of the site. If rather than going to the database for all
> requests for that page you use cached data, you will speed up serving
> up that heavily trafficked page. Better still, avoid requests even
> going to the application for that page in the majority of cases by
> having a caching proxy cache it with an expiry time of a few minutes.
> Doing just this can in some cases dramatically reduce traffic actually
> hitting your application.
> Finally, if using mod_wsgi daemon mode, ensure you delegate different
> Django instances to different process groups. This way you can control
> the number of processes for each instance and for less trafficked
> sites give minimum number of processes/threads. For more heavily
> trafficked sites give more processes. This way you don't incur as much
> memory usage for the smaller trafficked sites.
> Graham
>> Thanks for the advices...
>> Also what is the realistic number of page views/ simultaneous connections
>> that a Nehalem quad core Intel i-7 920, 8 GB RAM machine can handle? Any
>> statistical experiences.
>> Thanks
>> --
>> Ramdas S
> >

Mugisha Moses
P.O. Box 1420 Kampala, Uganda
skype name :  mossplix
twitter: @mugisha

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