On Tue, Jul 7, 2009 at 12:16 PM, geraldcor <gregco...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I have a form that is being added via jquery ajax. I can add a new
> record, including images just fine. Works like a dream. However, when
> I go to edit the form, every field will update except for the image
> field. I choose a new image from the browse button, the filepath loads
> up and when I submit the form, the image field does not change - the
> table field filepath does not change. Any ideas on this one?
> As as aside, in case anyone wants to tackle this one, I can't use the
> success: portion of the jQuery.ajax() function. It just skips that
> step. Could this be related to the imagefield not updating?
> My view:
> def edit_blog(request, blg_id):
>        a = Companyblog.objects.get(pk=blg_id)
>        if request.method == 'POST':
>                form=CompanyblogForm(request.POST, request.FILES,
> instance=a)
>                if form.is_valid():
>                        form_data=form.save()
>                        return HttpResponse("<p>Success</p>")
>        else:
>                form = CompanyblogForm(instance=a)
>                return render_to_response('blogedit.html', {'form': form,
> 'blg_id':
> blg_id})
> I will add more code as needed. Thanks for any and all help.
> >
Ajax requests don't send file data.


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