But where do I put the custom template, than? If I load it from an app
template, I must create it under <app>/templatetags/, and what if I
want to call it from the base template? <project_root>/templatetags/?



On Jul 2, 9:23 pm, Jonathan Buchanan <jonathan.bucha...@gmail.com>
> On Thu, Jul 2, 2009 at 10:55 PM, diogobaeder<diogobae...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Hi there,
> > Is there a way to create a custom tag that can be used in different
> > applications at the same time, so that I could make the call on the
> > "base.html" template? The custom tag, here, is a blog subjects menu,
> > which I
> > want to use in all the pages (all the apps) of the website, in the
> > frontend.
> > I know that I must create a "templatetags"  subdirectory, to act as a
> > module, inside the apps, if I want to create a template tag for that
> > app,
> > but what if I want to make it visible to all apps and callable from a
> > base
> > template?
> > Thanks!
> If it only needs to be called in the base template, you could just {%
> load %} and call it there as normal.
> If it really does need to be available globally:
> http://www.djangosnippets.org/snippets/160/
> Regards,
> Jonathan.
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