Ignoring thread hijacking there and responding to the OP.

The next time you have an import error, try using the -v option, like
this: python -v manage.py syncdb

That'll print every module being imported as it's being imported -- it
might help identify what's missing.

Alternatively, use pdb (http://docs.python.org/library/pdb.html)

-- Andrew

On Jul 2, 12:00 am, goodwinb <goodwin....@gmail.com> wrote:
> Fixed it by reinstalling all of my packages.
> On Jul 1, 8:48 pm, goodwinb <goodwin....@gmail.com> wrote:
> > I am setting up a server and when I run manage.py syncdb I get the
> > error 'cannot import name pre_delete'.  How can I get more trace
> > information about where the bad pre_delete is?
> > Python 2.6; Django 1.1-beta; using comments, markdown, statlib
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