On Tue, Jun 30, 2009 at 11:21 PM, Kenneth Gonsalves
<law...@thenilgiris.com> wrote:
> has anyone succeeded in marrying django to twitter - that is broadcasting
> updates in the django db to twitter? I did see one post on the subject in the
> archives, but there was no information as to whether the operation was
> successful.

I haven't tried it, but it shouldn't be hard.  Subscribe to the
relevant signals for whatever you want to track, and use a Python
Twitter library to post to the Twitter account.

I've used Mike's module at: http://mike.verdone.ca/twitter/ previously
to great success.   To post something an account with that module:

import twitter
t = twitter.api.Twitter('username', 'password')
t.statuses.update(status="This is the tweet.")

-- dz

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