Hello, I'm reading 'Practical Django Projects' and I'm getting this
error from section 'A Simple Custom Tag' on chapter 6:

TemplateSyntaxError at /weblog/

'coltrane_tags' is not a valid tag library: Could not load template
library from django.templatetags.coltrane_tags, No module named

I have the correct directory structure:

 - templatetags
  - __init__.py
  - coltrane_tags.py

The coltrane apps is installed and I have it in my path, I'm correctly
importing from it in many other places.

The error is coming when loading the tags in my base.html:

{% load coltrane_tags %}

To fix this I added 'coltrane.templatetags' to my INSTALLED_APPS.

I'm not sure if this is a bug in Django as the book says:

"The {% load coltrane_tags %} tag tells Django you want to load a
custom template tag
library named coltrane_tags. When Django sees this, it will look
through all of your
installed applications for a templatetags directory containing a file
named coltrane_
tags.py, and it will load any tags defined there."

So, it should be enough just having 'coltrane' in INSTALLED_APPS, am I

I'd like to know more about this.

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