2009/6/27 Karen Tracey <kmtra...@gmail.com>:

> FYI, there's a "switch to copy and paste" link which makes the debug
> information less verbose and gives you something you can paste into an
> email.

Cheers, will use in future.

> What about Python level?  You've got a mixture of what appears to be Python
> 2.5, 2.6.2, and who knows what from netbeans-6.5, as reported version and in
> your Python path:

> The exception is "Attribute Error" on _strptime_time, raised on an innocuous
> line of code:
> return datetime.date(*time.strptime(value, format)[:3])
> that's line 308 of
> /var/lib/python-support/python2.5/django/forms/fields.py.  With a valid
> Python install/path, there's no way that line of code should raise that
> AttributeError, so I suspect your Python install is broken as a result of
> (partially?) installing 2.6.2 on top of 2.5 yet keeping 2.5 in the path
> ahead of 2.6.2, or something.
> Try importing "time" and calling time.strptime in a Python shell -- the
> values Django was trying to use here are u'2009-06-27' for value and
> '%Y-%m-%d' for format (though I'd guess it doesn't really matter what values
> exactly are used).  I suspect you'll get the same exception in the shell.
> Until you fix your base Python to work properly for calls like that Django
> is going to have trouble.
> Karen

Running time.strptime in a shell (Python 2.6.2) give me a struct_time
object (as I would expect), so it looks like it is as you say - the
mixmatch of 2.5 and 2.6 that causes the error. Furthermore, if I run
runserver through a shell, the problem goes away. I therefore conclude
that it is the IDE I am using (netbeans) that is creating a custom
path, and doing it badly!

Thanks for the pointers, I now know what I need to fix, and how to get
around it in the meantime.

Steve Garton

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