Yeah, I just thought maybe I could leverage some existing code that
would support AND and OR of filters and provide an interface where the
user can add filters as needed.  It seems to me that creating an
interface where you AND and OR filters is not so simple.  But that's
not really a django issue - just thought someone here might have some


On Jun 25, 3:27 pm, lzantal <> wrote:
> Hi,
> You could submit all the filters from an html form and in your view  
> function loop through the request.Post and build the queries if the  
> Post value is not empty.Using django.db.models.Q
> Laszlo Antal
> Office: 208-699-7508
> On Jun 25, 2009, at 2:32 PM, Margie <> wrote:
> > I am trying to implement a specialized ticketing system in django.  At
> > a high level, it has many similarities to the django bug tracking
> > system, which I believe is implemented using trac.
> > I have coded the models models and the associated django code that
> > lets people create their tickets.  Now I'm at the point where I want
> > to implement queries.  IE, let the user choose filters (and and or
> > them together hopefully) that let you, for example, "find all tickets
> > owned by Joe, created after 6/15/09, with status open".  Nothing too
> > new here.  In looking for models of this functionality, I find the
> > trac system to be fairly straighforward, from a user perspective.  But
> > of course, it isn't written in django.  I looked at their html and
> > javascript templates and found them very hard to wade through.  I'm
> > wondering if anyone knows of any open source django apps that do
> > something similar?  In particular, I'm interested in the html
> > templates and associated javascript/jquery to make the filters
> > "dynamic", as that is the area I am sort of weak in.
> > Thanks for any pointers!
> > Margie
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