On Jun 25, 6:52 pm, "Daniele Procida" <dani...@apple-juice.co.uk>
> I created a simple_tag:
> def news_for_this_page(page):
>     if page.entity_set.all(): # check page belongs to an entity first
>         e = page.entity_set.all()[0] # first entity will be only one
>         newslist = []
>         for item in e.newsitem_set.all(): # get entity's news items
>             newslist.append(item.headline) # add them to the list      
>         return newslist
>     else:
>         return "No news is good news"
> What this spits back into the page is:
>     [u'Man bites dog', u'Dog bites man', u'Nixon resigns']
> so obviously I need to process that list, making it a <ul> and putting
> in the links before sending that to the template.
> To do this, I think I need my function to call another template to
> render it appropriately - is that correct?
> Are there any shortcuts in this process?
> For example, to use my template tag I use {% news_for_this_page entity
> %}. It would be neater to use something like {% news_for_this_page %},
> since entity will always be set.
> Thanks,
> Daniele

The best thing to do here is to use an 'inclusion tag', which as the
documentation says is a template tag that renders another template. So
you'd define a small template with just the html for rendering your
news list, then pass that as the argument to the decorator when
defining the tag. The function then returns a dictionary context, as
you would use in a view.

The second thing you can do with the inclusion tag - to answer your
other question - is to use the decorator with takes_context=True. Then
it will take a single parameter, context, which is the parent
template's context,  so you don't need to pass in your object

@register.inclusion_tag('newslist.html', takes_context=True)
def news_for_this_page(context):
return {'newslist': newslist}

See the documentation:

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