
What you are trying to achieve will require you to venture out into
deeper web-development waters and learn about JavaScript, which is not
related to Django at all. You will need to use Django in conjunction
with JavaScript in your templates to get what you want to achieve.

Please take a look at http://www.djangosnippets.org/snippets/233/ and

I would also recommend going through the short JavaScript tutorial at
http://www.w3schools.com/js/default.asp followed by a dose of Ajax at

Really don't want to overwhelm you, but to follow the first two links
above, you will also need to learn about JQuery.  (the 2nd link
introduces JQuery cursorily).

Hope this helps, and best of luck with your efforts.

On Jun 18, 8:37 pm, Mathias Waack <mathias.wa...@rantzau.de> wrote:
> Hello django experts,
> let me first note I'm a beginner in both django and web-development at all.
> I have a form with some select boxes containing several million options. Now
> I'd like to have something like the search field in wikipedia, where I get
> suggestions during typing.
> I'm fairly sure this question has been answered several times, but I haven't
> found any feasible solution. Are there any special keyword you're using for
> this kind of input fields?
> Would be nice to have a solution working with last stable django, but just in
> case I could also upgrade to 1.1alpha.
> Thanks!
> Mathias
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