> The issue is the line: WebPage.objects.filter(page_plaque!='').  The
> queryset syntax doens't use the != operator anywhere.  To do != operations
> you need to instead do WebPage.objects.exclude(page_plaque='').

ok that got past the error but there are dupes in there.  Is there a
way to pull a distinct list? ideally i'd like it to return something
like this

<option value="pic1.jpg">pic1.jpg</option>
<option value="pic2.jpg>pic2.jpg</option>

right now that returns this
<option value="1">pic1.jpg</option>
<option value="8">pic1.jpg</option>
<option value="3">pic2.jpg</option>

where the option value is the ID of the record from the table.
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